To Present Iranian Terror Funding, Lebanon Resurrection Is Important : Report


Lebanon LebanonGovernment corruption needs to end in Lebanon, if Iran has to be controlled, political analysts are saying. For this, the two most important things to do is ending the Hezbollah strategy to create menace in government function and get the economy to run on its own.

This is the only way to prevent Lebanon from becoming a ‘another Iran-dominated, corruption laden failed state,’ a term used under a report filed by two Middle Eastern think-tanks based in Washington. Both have presented a webinar to explain the need to salvage Lebanon first.

At the webinar, the American Task Force on Lebanon and the Middle East Institute jointly focused, along with significant panelists on the role of Hezbollah. The outcome of the discussing moved towards the ongoing US negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program that could have significant ramifications for Lebanon.

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Like Iraq, Lebanon has become a proxy ground of Iran’s terrorism related activities to be carried on. With Iran driven Hezbollah in functioning, the country’s development efforts are repeatedly derailed. While Hezbollah has been termed as a terrorist outfit, it continues to hold representation as a legitimate political party in the Lebanese government.

According to Paul Salem, the president of the Middle East Institute, Lebanon faces many challenges, including the failure to eliminate sectarianism over the past 31 years, but that a greater Hezbollah’s presence as a non-state actor. What is scarier is that this non-state actor continues to hold a full-fledged army that is funded and oiled by Iran on a constant basis.

Adding on to the discussion, the President of ATFL, Edward. M. Gabriel said, “If we don’t get the Iran deal correct, we have missed our best chance of dealing with this outside pressure on the country of Lebanon.”



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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