United Nations demands Lebanese Authorities a probe into attack against peacekeepers

Lebanon– Unknown assailants attacked the ‘blue helmets’ on Tuesday night. Vehicles belonging to the United Nations were damaged, and official materials were taken.
“The peacekeepers were not taking pictures and were not on private property, contrary to some subsequent media misinformation.” They were on their way to meet up with Lebanese Armed Forces colleagues for a regular patrol, according to UN spokesman Stéphane Dujarric.
The peacekeepers are part of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), which was founded in 1978 to guarantee Israel’s departure from Lebanon. After fighting in 2006, the mission was considerably bolstered to supervise the cessation of hostilities between Israel and the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah.
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Mr. Dujarric stated that denying UNIFIL’s freedom of movement, as well as any violence against individuals serving the cause of peace, is unacceptable and breaches the UN-Lebanese Government Status of Forces Agreement. According to UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which was approved in 2006, the mission must have complete and unrestricted access across its area of operations.
“We’re urging all parties involved to respect peacekeepers’ freedom of movement, which is crucial to UNIFIL’s ability to carry out its mission under Resolution 1701, and we’re urging the Lebanese authorities to investigate and prosecute all individuals guilty for these crimes as soon as possible.” UN Secretary-General António Guterres paid an official visit to Lebanon last month, when he expressed his sympathy with the people.
The country is still dealing with a number of issues, including political turmoil, an economic and financial crisis, and the disastrous effects of the port explosion in Beirut’s capital in August 2020.