US Wary of Yemen Houthis, Wants to Avoid Full Scale Conflict

US Wary of Yemen Houthis, Wants to Avoid Full Scale Conflict

Entrapped in Israel’s war against the Hamas in Gaza, the US doesn’t want to be sucked into another conflict with the Yemen Houthis. But the US is committed to protecting freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and is looking at keeping the Iran-backed militant group at bay.

Yemen officials are also wary of the Houthi attacks because it’s jeopardizing the crucial peace process in the country that has been caught in a cycle of never-ending war. The vice president of Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council Tareq Mohammed Saleh, sad the Houthis is taking advantage of public outrage over Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. “There is a great threat from Iran-backed groups that are using the Gaza war and targeting Israeli ships as pretexts to target our ports and islands, and kill Yemenis.”

The Houthis have been targeting commercial ships and warships with drones and missiles in the Red Sea.

Houthis an International Problem

The US State Department and the Pentagon have been working on getting countries to contribute navy ships for the task force that will operate under the US central command’s naval forces.

Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said this is an international problem and it requires an international solution. “All of this is underscored by the fact that we recognize the tensions in the region right now, and we want to continue to stay very focused on ensuring that this does not broaden into a wider regional conflict.”

However, Iran has pushed back at the idea of a multinational naval coalition to guarantee maritime safety in the Red Sea. Mohammad-Reza Ashtiani, Iran’s Defense Minister, said the region has no room for any more power struggles. He said if Washington’s decision is executed, it will face extraordinary problems. “Nobody can make a move in a region where we have predominance.”

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Yemen Peace Process Will Be Affected

Moreover, the US told the Houthis to step back warning that the peace plan for Yemen will fail if attacks on the vessels continue. The US has helped the Houthis and the internationally recognized government in Yemen to a proposed road map to peace.

A diplomat said further escalation in Yemen and the Red Sea will delay a possible peace deal that the United Nations has been juggling for nine years to achieve. It also threatens the already fragile ceasefire within Yemen and between the Houthis and the Saudis.

A Yemeni official said the agreement could lead to a ceasefire and comprehensive political negotiations. “The only issue that might cause a delay is the Houthis’ actions in the Red Sea.”



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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