3 wanted Palestinians are killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank


The latest bloodshed in a never-ending wave of violence, three Palestinians were murdered by Israeli troops on Thursday, according to the Israeli military. They were wanted in relation to a fatal attack against Israelis.

Also Read – Israeli forces raid and kill number of armed militants: Army

The attack last month on a car in a Jewish West Bank community that killed a British-Israeli mother and two of her daughters was allegedly carried out by the men, according to the military.

The military claimed to have invaded the centre of the volatile city of Nablus in the occupied West Bank early on Thursday and killed three suspects in a ferocious gunbattle, including two who it claimed were terrorists with ties to Hamas. The men were identified as Ibrahim Hura, Moaz Masri, and Hassan Katnani.

Three persons were murdered, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, though they were not immediately identified.

Days after a renowned Palestinian prisoner who was participating in a protracted hunger strike in protest of his detention passed away in Israeli captivity, the violence in Nablus occurs at a delicate time for the region.

His passing sparked a barrage of rockets from Gaza militants and airstrikes in the coastal enclave that resulted in the death of one individual.

In response to a spate of Palestinian attacks on Israelis last year, Israel has been conducting almost nightly arrest raids into West Bank villages, towns, and cities for more than a year. According to Israel, the raids are intended to destroy extremist networks and prevent further assaults.

The attacks, in the eyes of the Palestinians, further solidify Israel’s 56-year occupation of the territories they seek for a future independent state. Attacks from the Palestinians have increased as a result of the raids.

Also Read – West Bank: Hundreds of Palestinians injured in confrontations with Israeli Forces

Since the beginning of the raids, Israeli fire has claimed the lives of about 250 Palestinians. Although the majority, according to Israel, were militants, deaths also included stone-throwing children and individuals who were not involved in the altercations.

In the same period, Palestinian attacks on Israelis have claimed the lives of almost 50 people.



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