The dramatic situation of Libyans in the hands of Ankara, Doha and Moscow

Saudi arabia Saudi arabiaAfter years of silent treatment between Saudi Arabia and the United States regarding the arms sales, the Biden administration is finally opening up regarding their first major arms sales to Saudi Arabia in recent years.

This is the first arms deal with the Arab nation under president Joe Biden which approximately costs $650 million. As per the deal, 280 Raytheon air-to-air missiles will be sold to Saudi Arabia. The Pentagon confirmed the deal on Thursday.

The all clear stamp is yet to be fixed on the, however, the Department of Defense notified US Congress of the sale has already confirmed the deal from its end making it the first tarde deal to the gulf kingdom under the current administration.

Saudi Arabia is an extremely crucial middle eastern nation in every aspect including the strong financial backing d find the conditions to control the southern flank of the Mediterranean. That is adjacent to the coasts of the European Union, and it would draw a geostrategic change, with enormous regret also of the African Union.

Meanwhile, the Libyans continue to suffer from the tragic situation. In large parts of the North African country, the population does not have access to drinking water. The lack of infrastructure maintenance and the protracted conflict destroyed the electricity grid. The political dispute between east and west and the use of oil revenues to finance prolonged military campaigns leave Libyans without liquidity, effectively limiting the purchasing power of families even for necessities. Finally, the coronavirus pandemic, which is spreading quickly, has revealed the gaps in the health system and the lack of means and personnel in hospitals.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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