Articles By This Author

Why Is Lebanon No More The Medical Pride Of Middle East?

The Lebanese medical staff is a harried lot; not because of the Covid-19 situation itself, but because of the limited supply of material to support their war against the pandemic…..

Financing Al Shabaab: How Qatar calls the shot in Somalia

Al-Shabaab, a Somali militant group commonly known as a “Salafi-jihadist movement”, is the major instigator behind the ongoing political crisis and frequent attacks in Somalia….


Coronavirus doesn’t seem to discriminate as infection spreads across the poor and rich nations alike across Middle East and North Africa

Coronavirus is spreading like wildfire across the world and engulfing the most populous countries in Middle East and North Africa region as the numbers have shot up in recent weeks….

Coronavirus new record of infections in the world. From the USA to India, the most affected countries

There were 259,848 daily coronavirus infections worldwide in the last 24 hours. It is the highest increase in one day since the beginning of the pandemic….

Between 3,500 and 3,800 paid Syrian fighters transferred by Erdogan into Libya now threaten Europe

The U.S. Defense Department’s inspector general confirmed for the first time thatTurkey sent between 3,500 and 3,800 paid Syrian fighters to Libya over the first three months of the year…..

Middle East

Government of Israel plans to build 3,000 homes in West Bank settlement

Israel–Israel has announced plans to build more residences for Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank. The planning committee for the same gave its final

A new global soft-power, Erdogan is funding thousands of mosques

Under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose Justice and Development Party (AKP) represents the Turkish wing of Muslim Brotherhood….

Kremlin Masterminds Cyber Theft On British COVID19 Vaccine Research

At a time when every country should be pooling in their resources to find a lasting solution to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, Russian hackers have busied themselves with stealing a vaccine research developed by the United Kingdom…

As Russia reopens the Syrian front, Erdogan dusts off his plan to flood Europe with migrants

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly threatened to send millions of Syrian refugees to Europe in response to criticism of his military offensive into Kurdish-controlled northern Syria and Libya….

The Iranian campaign “Do not execute” become viral worldwide

Iranian activists launched on Tuesday a social media campaignwith the hashtag #donotexecute. The idea in Persian language has born on Twitter….