Articles By This Author


Donald Trump’s shocking abandonment of leadership comes as coronavirus surges in the US

During the election campaign President Donald Trump guaranteed that the “phony news media” decided to zero in on Covid-19 to harm his campaign, predicting that

France on high alert after the second terror attack

France on high alert after the second terror attack

For the subsequent time, France is confronting the terrible knife attack that government authorities are attributing to an Islamist terror attack. The French President Emmanuel

Macron backing Prophet Muhammad’s cartoon angers the Islamic World

Macron backing Prophet Muhammad’s cartoon angers the Islamic World

Last week, French President Emmanuel Macron in a speech publicly defended the cartoon of the prophet Mohammed, which is viewed as blasphemy in Islam, angered


Libya peace deal in jitters with deepening roles of rivals Turkey and Russia in the region

Diplomats from 15 countries are set to endorse ceasefire in Libya but the commitment looks faded as external powers continue to get deeply involved in


Enemy or friends,terrorists or rebels? Who are the Syrians fighting for Erdogan?

In addition to protecting their sources, a journalist has a duty not to get too attached to them. Staying disengaged and adopting a less emotional


Under French pressure, Lebanon attempts to implement reforms

Lebanon has been facing major political and economic crisis in the aftermath of a massive explosion at Beirut port that took place on August 4.


UK Clinical Trials Hit Roadblock As Corona Virus Participant Falls Ill

In a sad turn of events, the promising UK developed corona virus vaccine trials have had to be stopped as a participant has been left


Qatari schools teach antisemitic beliefs, hatred against Jews to students

Students in Qatar are being taught antisemitic portrayals of Jews and praises for violent jihadi movements are from the age of 6 till high school


Iraq Moves Ahead Into Business Partnership With the US Under New Leadership

Iraq is willing to move closer to the US when it comes to business.  The Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi has shown interest to do


Qatari Plans Of Second Arab Spring Crushed

In a strange tactic of creating a wave of unrest and public upheaval in tune with the previous ‘Arab Spring’ saga, Qatar is being implicated