Articles By This Author

Libya , Cronavirus , Doctors, Covid-19

Libya sends 30 doctors to help Italy fighting the Coronavirus

The Foreign Ministry of Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) announced Tuesday that Libya is sending 30 doctors to Italy to help fight the Coronavirus

Iraq , oil , US ,
Middle East News World

Iraq: Katyusha missiles targeted a US oil company

On Monday morning, rockets landed near a foreign workers’ neighborhood in the oil sector which includes the American “Halliburton” company for oil services in Iraq,

Afghanistan ,Taliban, prisoners exchange ,negotiations,US
News World

Taliban suspends Prisoners exchange negotiations in Afghanistan

After Washington reached an agreement with Taliban fighters to withdraw troops. The Taliban suspended On Tuesday, talks with the Afghan government over prisoner exchanges and

Erdogen , Cronavirus ,
News World

Erdogan’s poor response to coronavirus poses a huge risk to the whole region

Turkey confirmed yesterday 3,892 new coronavirus infections, bringing the total of COVID-19 cases in the country up to 34,000. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca stated that

yemen, Prison , Taiz , girl ,
News World

Yemen: six women and a girl killed by a raid on the women’s prison of Taiz

Six Yemeni detained women and a girl who was visiting her mother were killed by a raid on the women’s prison in the city of

Liquefied Natural Gas, Qatar, Corona Virus
News World

Why Qatari LNG Supply Is Not Disturbed By The COVID-19 Outbreak?

The rich mini Arabic country Qatar’s state-owned petroleum company Qatar Petroleum is not going to let the lockdown and slowing done of economies worldwide due

Qatar, Somalia, terrorism support,Al-chabab
Middle East News

Qatar doubling efforts to spread terrorism in Somalia

Despite the Corona epidemic, with its global economic collapse and successive crises in all the world’s countries, the Qatari regime is still following the same

Libya , Europe , Cronavirus
Middle East News World

What’s happening in Libya while Europe is busy with the coronavirus?

While Europe is engaged in the fight against coronavirus, fighting between the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar and armed groups

BCG, Australia, Nigel Curtis, Covid-19,
News World

Tuberculosis Vaccine Might Act As Defense Against Corona Virus Exposure

While a Corona Virus vaccine is on its way to being developed, it wouldn’t be available anytime before end of 2021. In order to control

Middle East News World

IRAN denies Trump’s accusations and warns him about security threats

Iran will react harshly if the United States does anything to undermine Iran’s security, Iranian chief of staff Mohammad Baqeri said on Thursday. “If the