Belarus PM Visits Egypt, Strengthening Economic Ties

belarus pm visits egypt, strengthening economic ties

Belarus PM Visits Egypt – Belarus PM Visits Egypt on a 2-day trip, signifying the growing economic cooperation between the two nations. This high-level visit aims to fortify bilateral ties and explore new avenues for collaboration across various sectors.

Meetings with Egyptian Authorities

During his stay in Egypt, Prime Minister Golovchenko is scheduled to hold a series of meetings with the country’s top authorities, including a crucial meeting with his Egyptian counterpart, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly. These discussions are expected to cover a wide range of topics, from trade and investment opportunities to potential joint ventures and collaborative projects.

Belarus PM Visits Egypt

One of the highlights of the visit will be a visit to the MAZ service centre in Egypt, operated by the International Company for Industries and Projects. This facility showcases the impressive lineup of MAZ machinery, allowing Egyptian officials and business leaders to witness the quality and performance of Belarusian automotive engineering firsthand.

In a symbolic gesture, the General Director of the International Company for Industries and Projects will hand over a new MAZ truck tractor to the Holding Co. for Maritime and Land Transport, under the Egyptian Ministry of Transportation. This event will provide an opportunity for operational tests and further solidify the presence of Belarusian vehicles in the Egyptian market.

Strengthening Commercial Ties

A significant development during the visit will be the signing of a contract between the Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ), the management company of the BelavtoMAZ holding company, and the International Company for Industries and Projects. This agreement will facilitate the sale of MAZ machinery in Egypt, further cementing the bilateral commercial relationship between the two countries.

Belarusian-Egyptian Business Forum

The visit will culminate with the Belarusian-Egyptian Business Forum, organized jointly by the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce and the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This forum, scheduled to take place in Cairo on April 30, will provide a platform for businesses from both countries to explore potential partnerships, investment opportunities, and collaborative ventures.

Prime Ministers Golovchenko and Madbouly are expected to grace the opening ceremony of the forum, lending their support and endorsement to the strengthening of economic ties between Belarus and Egypt.

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Fostering Cooperation with Russia

In addition to his engagements in Egypt, Prime Minister Golovchenko is also scheduled to meet with Aleksei Kopaigorodsky, the Mayor of Sochi, Russia, on April 29. This meeting underscores the importance Belarus places on maintaining strong relations with its allies and exploring avenues for cooperation within the region.

As Belarus PM Visits Egypt, the world watches with keen interest, anticipating the outcomes that could shape the future of economic cooperation between Belarus and Egypt, as well as the broader region.



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