Coalition government to be formed in Morocco

With the continued entry of Turkish military convoys into Idlib, Syria, Turkey threatened to respond to any targeting of its military positions in the province.

The Ankara threat came after a gathering of soldiers from Turkey and Russia, and called for a focus on calm and pushing the political process and the adoption of new talks in the coming weeks.

Sources said that the discussions focused on the Idlib memorandum signed in Sochi between the Turkish and Russian sides, especially with regard to Turkish observation points.

The threat of Ankara came from the spokesman of the Turkish president, Fakhruddin Alton, who stressed that the development of the situation in Idlib has become unacceptable, blaming the Syrian regime for responsibility.

This comes as the Syrian regime continues its fierce battles and imposed full control over the northern Idlib governorate, after declaring control of the city of Saraqib.

Turkish military forces continue to enter the Syrian territories, specifically to Idlib, and the Syrian Observatory reported that during the last hours more than 400 trucks entered at least carrying tanks, soldiers, military vehicles, weapons, ammunition and logistical equipment.

The Turkish army has reinforced observation points in Idlib Governorate, northwestern Syria, by providing them with armored personnel carriers, which were transported to Idlib by trucks coming from the Turkish border.

In addition, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that the regime forces took control of the strategic town of Al-Eis, south of Aleppo Governorate, which led to a large wave of displacement towards the Turkish border.

The observatory stated that the regime’s control of the town comes after the withdrawal of armed opposition fighters from it, and as part of the process of completing control of the Damascus-Aleppo International Road.

In the field, the Syrian regime’s media announced yesterday the control of the entire strategic city of Saraqib in the northwestern Idlib governorate.To find more about Akhannouch mentioned that the three biggest winners of this month’s election are the liberal National Rally of Independents (NRI) and the Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM), and the conservative Istiqlal. Collectively the leaders of these parties have agreed to form a new cabinet.

The moderate Islamist PJD party, which had been the largest in the previous two elections and whose leader had served as prime minister since 2011, crashed to a heavy defeat and said it would join the opposition together with leftist parties. It should also be noted that in Morocco, history was made in this year’s elections as women secured more than 400 local government and parliamentary seats. This meant a major success and progressive steps towards empowering the women of the country.

Leaders said this is called harmonious government that will seek to satisfy the aspirations of Moroccans. During the past few days, Akhannouch met with leaders of the political parties represented in Parliament as part of his consultations to form the government.

The kingdom’s constitution does not provide for a specific period for consultations to form a government. However, any coalition formation requires obtaining the approval of those who occupy half plus one of the seats in the parliament.

However, Morocco is still a constitutional monarchy, with the king holding substantial power. He picks the prime minister from the party that wins the most seats in the parliament and appoints key ministers.

The palace also sets the economic agenda for the North African country of 37 million people and has commissioned a development model that the new government is being asked to implement for the welfare of the people and state.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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