Full federal aid will be provided by the US for Hurricane Ida


As the powerful Hurricane Ida roared in Louisiana yesterday, the force of the storm temporarily reversed the flow of the Mississippi River. It was declared as Category 4 storm. Ida’s winds snapped trees and tore roofs off buildings as its floodwaters blocked roads and submerged cars. The storm was expected to dump up to 2 feet of rain in some areas and bring up to 7 feet of storm surge. Over a million people in Louisiana were living without power.

A U.S. Geological Survey gauge at New Orleans, detected the Mississippi’s flow moving backwards around midday Sunday because of the amount of water Ida whipped up and they called it a negative flow. Several videos were posted after severe floods were recorded by nearby locals. Those videos showed scenes of destruction which included images of staircases to overhead bridges and fences around houses that were fully submerged. 

With Ida’s category 4 classification, the hurricane was expected to cause even more havoc than the infamous Hurricane Katrina which intensified into a category 5 hurricane. Looking at the massive disaster, US President Joe Biden addressed the nation by saying that everyone should listen to the instructions from local and state officials, just how dangerous this is, and take it seriously. Biden administration also prepared an immediate rescue report for Hurricane Ida and promised assistance and help in local emergency response efforts to the people who were stuck and injured. 

Gov. John Bel Edwards mentioned that this is going to be much stronger than we usually see and, quite frankly, if they had to draw up the worst possible path for a hurricane in Louisiana, it would be something very, very close to what they’re seeing right now.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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