How Qatar divides Somalia for its own interests

Qatar ,Somalia , Jubaland,

Qatar continues to use Somalia as an arena for its games of helping both sides : the government and the terrorist organizations. It is a dual game that Qatar is good at, ensuring its presence and impact on the course of events. Whenever it faces a failure it sought to renew the attempt by changing its tools and plans .

The recent chapters of the scandals that haunt Doha ,do not discourage it from its negative trends in Somalia, accusations made by Ahmed Madoubi, that Qatar supports destabilization in his country, and feeding tensions in a country that has suffered from the scourge of conflicts for decades.

“Qatar and Turkey continue to send money to the federal government aimed at destabilizing the country ,accusations have increased for Qatar and Turkey for adopting directions that would multiply the wounds of Somalia, as they turned part of its territory into a square to settle scores, and a place for terrorist elements’ gathering, directing them according to a compass that meets their ambitions.

The Qatari actions are no longer hidden to those who follow Somali affairs, in contrast to the Turkish practices that try to cover up and manage their different roles. The Doha moves have crossed the Mogadishu border and started to penetrate into some relatively stable regions.

Qatar is accused of being the mastermind of the conflict between Mogadishu and a number of states that take an opposing stance against President Mohamed Abdullah Farmago’s insistence on standing in the row with Doha against the major boycotting countries, as Qatar supports the central government with money and arms to stoke tensions within some states.

Qatar began to think about the future of its presence in Somalia, which is constantly linked to Farmajo at the head of power, and believes that its delay in tightening its grip on vital regions such as Jubaland, Puntland and Somaliland and not attracting its loyalists in it, will accelerate the loss of the elections.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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