King Abdullah meets Abbas, extends support to Palestinians rights


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday met Jordan’s King Abdullah in Amman, ahead of the latter’s official visit to Washington to meet US President Joe Biden. During the meeting, King Abdullah extended Jordan’s support towards the rights of Palestinians to establish their “independent, sovereign, and viable state on the June 4, 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

According to Jordan’s news agency Petra, King Abdullah also called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza to provide much-needed rights to Palestinians. Voicing a call for peace based on a two-state solution, the Jordanian Monarch demanded Israel to stop illegal measures and attacks in the Palestinian territories.

“His Majesty stressed the need to intensify international efforts to achieve a just and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution, and to preserve the legal and historical status quo in Jerusalem, warning that Israel must stop all attacks and illegal measures in the Palestinian territories,” a statement issued by the Jordanian news agency said.

Furthermore, President Abbas underlined Jordan’s crucial role in defending Palestinians’ rights in the international community. A statement issued by Palestine’s official news agency Wafa noted that the two leaders discussed the latest political developments in Palestine along with bilateral relations and issues of mutual concern.

“President Abbas affirmed ongoing coordination with Jordan on the interest of the Arab nation and its common causes, primarily the Palestinian cause,” the statement added.

As per reports, the two leaders held a private one-on-one meeting on various key issues. After this meeting, an extended meeting took place in the presence of senior delegations from both sides. From Palestine, Foreign Minister Riyad Malki, Intelligence service chief Majed Faraj, senior Fatah official Hussein Sheikh attended the meeting along with senior diplomatic adviser Majdi Khalidi. On the other hand, the Jordanian delegation included Jordan’s Crown Prince Hussein, Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, General Intelligence Director Ahmad Hosni and other senior officials.

Meanwhile, Jordan’s King left for his three-week visit to the US on Thursday. Notably, he is going to be the first Arab leader to hold a meeting with President Joe Biden since he took office. As per political experts, Abdullah’s US visit can provide support to Palestine and Abbas’ efforts to gain rights for the country at a time when the Biden administration is undecided on its approach to resolve the long-running Palestinian conflict.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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