Netanyahu’s West Bank annexation plan would put Israel in a spot

Palestinian territory

The week has proven to be an eventful one for Israel, as the rivals, Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz joined hands to form a national unity government, ending year-long political crisis. The two signed a power-sharing agreement, as per which Netanyahu would continue to hold office for next 18 months while Gantz would lead the nation for the remaining months of three-year tenure. As Netanyahu regained power as country’s prime minister, the West Bank annexation plan came into action few days after his occupying the office. Israeli’s brazen move occurred despite the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ call for a global cease-fire to tackle the ongoing corona pandemic.

Thursday’s annexation attempt by Israeli forces to regain control over the key areas of West Bank did not come as a surprise, as it was very much part of unity government’s agreement. A clause of the agreement hinted at extending Israel’s control over the Jordan Valley i.e. 30 per cent of the West Bank. The agreement seemed to have embedded in it Trump administration’s ‘deal of the century’, which accepts Israeli sovereignty over all illegal Israeli colonies built in Palestinian occupied region in exchange for money for the Palestinians. It doesn’t end here as it makes way for increased crime in Arab land and eventually establish Israeli sovereignty over all of Jerusalem, the reason why the US already moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem two years ago. Both Netanyahu and Gantz are following Trump’s plan, more so now than later, before US 2020 elections change the course of the deal.

Trump’s one sided plan for obvious reasons was rejected by Palestinian leaders, which gave Israel the power to control all of Jerusalem and Israeli settlements.

Prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu meeting with journalists from the Israeli media outlets in Russian at the Beit-Jabotinsky compound.
Prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu meeting with journalists from the Israeli media

European Union and United Nations condemned Israel’s recent activity in West Bank, as it violated UN peace resolution. Nickolay Mladenov. UN Middle East envoy said that annexation also “constitute a serious violation of international law, deal a devastating blow to the two-state solution, close the door to a renewal of negotiations, and threaten efforts to advance regional peace.” France’s U.N. ambassador, Nicolas de Riviere, warned further, saying annexation “would not pass unchallenged and shall not be overlooked in our relationship with Israel.” The plan, if pursued any further might cause Israel more loss than gain. The region being a volatile one, and Palestinians having support of most of Gulf’s nations, Israel’s next illegal move would lead to inviting wrath of its neighboring nations.Besides, it any further act in this direction would also undermines the country’s peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, which could intensify the conflict.



Salma Hussain is an MBBS doctor who loves to write on health-related topics. Apart from this, writing on sports and entertainment topics is her hobby. She is playing the role of an important writer in Arab Post.

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