North Korea Not Interested In Economic Aid In Barter For Denuclearization

North Korea

North Korea North koreaThe sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un isn’t very pleased with the suggestion made by South Korea towards denuclearization.

In fact, Kim Yo-jong, has slammed Seoul for even thinking that by getting into a denuclearization deal with them, North Korea would seek economic aid from the south side. She is considered a powerful woman in politics who sides with her brother. The suggestion put forth by South Korea has been termed as at the ‘height of absurdity,’ by her.

The plan was first mentioned in May but was reiterated recently. But Ms. Kim was infuriated and said that Mr. Yoon should ‘shut his mouth’ and called him ‘simple and still childish.’ The May suggestion was reiterated saying that South was willing to drop its sanctions and provide aid, if North Korea would stop moving ahead with its nuclear plans.

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This was said by South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol at his televised speech on the liberation holiday that comes days after North Korea claimed a widely disputed victory over Covid-19 along with blame to Seoul for the outbreak. The North insists leaflets and other objects flown across the border by activists spread the virus, an unscientific claim Seoul describes as “ridiculous.”

Ms. Kim has commented as a senior North Korean diplomat, something that has been termed as rude and inappropriate. While democratic South Korea’s economy has flourished over the past few decades, the communist-ruled North has always struggled with food shortages. It has also consistently faced international sanctions over its nuclear programme.

Its own treatment of the Covid-19 outbreaks and refusal to share data with the WHO showed how cut off and rigid is the country’s functioning. According to UN reports, North Korea’s vulnerable are at the verge of starvation, and the government doesn’t seem to be doing much about this either.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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