Muslim Brothers: A real threat to Europe and the Arab world

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How world reacted to Haftar’sunilaterally revocation of Libyan Political Agreement

Libya– Libya’s eastern-based parliament passed a new elections law on Monday. That decision has brought the country one step closer to reunification after a decade…


Libya : Fayez al-Serraj against EU mission IRINI to not lost Turkish daily support

Israel– Today, the Israeli Supreme Court presented a compromise to four of the 28 Palestinian families at risk of eviction from homes in Sheikh Jarrah.…


The Middle East by Erdogan, Turkey at the center of the crisis

Turkey– Today Turkey is the center of gravity, if not the reason, for the leading international crises. First of all, the wars in Syria and…


Iranian minister confirms resumption of Vienna talks

Iran– There has been much debate on whether Iran and the United States will continue to make attempts at reaching a conclusion in the nuclear…


Security Council Unsure On Overhaul In Libya; Extends UNSMIL Mandate Till 2022

Libya– The UN Security council has had to extend the Libyan mandate once again till January 2022. While the overhaul is receiving support from member…

Political assassinations strike again in Tunisia

Libya– The UN Security council has had to extend the Libyan mandate once again till January 2022. While the overhaul is receiving support from member…


Libya: Consultations between Parliament and the High Council to start today in Rabat

Libya– Negotiations between representatives of the Libyan High Council of State (HCS) and the Parliament, the Tobruk House of Representatives (HoR), began today, Thursday 30…

Why Is Libya Closing Its Ports To Migrant Population?

Syria–Presidents of Russia and Turkey met to discuss on the rising violence and crime rate in Syria. It is a disturbing factor since the lives…

Israel-Palestine: conflict or cooperation in the coronavirus time?

Libya– Forty-eight members of the House of Representatives (HoR), the Libyan Parliament based in Tobruk, in the eastern region, denied and denounced the statements by…