Saudi dissident threatens Kingdom’s Lebanon embassy

saudi arabia

Saudi arabia Saudi arabiaA Saudi dissident has threatened to attack Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. An audio-recorded threat from Ali Hashem has also put Lebanese authorities on high alert.

In the recording, Hashem, from Beirut’s southern suburbs, said, “If anything happens to any member of my family, no employee at the Saudi embassy will remain alive. I will annihilate everyone in the Saudi embassy, everyone who is related to the Saudi embassy.” His audio recording went viral on social media.

Hashem reportedly revealed that due to his “opposition to the Yemen war” and his defence of “the rights of Shiites in Saudi Arabia,” his children were put under house arrest in Saudi Arabia. He also revealed that his family faced harassment in Saudi Arabia. He reportedly said, “I’m stronger and more determined to seek to topple the regime of the House of Saud.”

Addressing Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon, Walid Al Bukhari, Hashem said, “Lebanon’s constitution allows us to express our opinion freely and offers us protection.”

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What did the Lebanese authorities say?

Lebanese Minister of Interior and the head of the Central Internal Security Council, Bassam Mawlawi, called on Internal Security Forces to investigate the matter. Mawlawi further asked the authorities to arrest people who are involved in this matter. He also called on the General Directorate of Public Security to notify him of the movement of people involved in this matter.

Subsequently, the Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon, Al Bukhari, said in a tweet, “Terrorism is the offspring of extremism.” He also retweeted Lebanese politicians and analysts warning of threats targeting the Saudi embassy. He also called on the security forces to take the necessary measures to verify the seriousness of big threats.

Lebanese MP Fouad Makhzoumi also asked the security forces to verify the whole matter. He said, “The person threatening is known by name and he must be arrested.”



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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