Lebanon Is Now Without Internet Connectivity


Lebanon LebanonEarlier it was electricity issues and now it is, internet which is getting grossly compromised in Lebanon under reeling financial strains, delayed payment for services outsourced and lack of funds.

Employees of the state-owned Internet service provider Ogero have now decided to go on strike as the country has not been able to pay them their salary. In turn, the city is now reeling under internet blackouts and low to no access to the world wide web.

Blackouts have been reported more in Beirut and Lebanon. As Lebanon undergoes an economic collapse, it continues to be counted as a country worst hit by an economic collapse. Despite repeated helps from the World Bank, it has been unable to pay back its loans and continues to reel under the pressure of financial debts.

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Its own economy is not being able to generate neither employment nor trade opportunities for its currency to compete in the financial markets either. Since 2019, the economic slum has deepened even further, making the population to plunge into poverty. Currently, the local currency has lost more than 90 per cent of its value and there are widespread shortages of essentials.

Lebanon this year increased internet and mobile data rates, a move the government said was necessary to prop up the country’s flagging telecoms sector and ageing infrastructure.

Another related reason for the increased blackouts that the Lebanese the Ministry of Telecommunications has stated is that there has been dearth of fuel supplied to the generators that help mobilise internet connectivity across the country. With the country already reeling under power cuts due to non-availability of diesel to the State firm Electicite Du Liban is not enough to meet the whole country’s electricity needs. This one only provides a couple of hours of power a day, if at all.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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