
Israel all set to launch oil pipeline project with its Arab neighbours

Israel after signing the normalising agreement with its Arab neighbours and ending decades of political deadlock, has now prepared the ground to launch trans-Israel pipeline…


Any new deal with Iran must be a deterrent to developing a nuclear program GCC General Secretory

Iran wants to be the nuclear power in the Middle East and have the upper hand in regional politics. The GCC believes that Iran is…

Middle East

Netanyahu plans Official visit to Egypt

According to Maariv, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly planning an official visit to Egypt. Netanyahu went on an unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia…


Qatar violates international law, stops two Bahrain vessels conducting maritime exercise

On Wednesday, Bahrain accused Qatar of violating international law, when latter intercepted two of its coastguard vessels conducting maritime exercise in its territorial waters. Bahrain’s…

Middle East

Erdogan’s Failure has Caused Turkey’s economy to collapse rapidly

Since Erdogan’s takeover, Turkey’s economy has been in shambles. People’s lives are being affected by the depreciation of the lira against the dollar and the…

Middle East

Yemen prepares to form new government, unites coalition to fight away Houthis

To build a united front against Iran-backed Al Houthi militancy movement in Yemen, the coalition forces of the country decided to come together and form…

Less intervention, more impact: US reworks its foreign policy towards Middle East
Middle East

Less intervention, more impact: US reworks its foreign policy towards Middle East

Over the past years it can be observed that the US administration has been deliberately trying to reduce its footprint in Middle East region. Washington,…

Middle East

US elections: How would Trump VS Biden affect Middle East

Americans are going to choose their next president on November 3 and the results of the 2020 US elections are certainly going to have big…


The End of the Turkish Dictatorship Emerges.

Turkey is facing difficult economic challenges. There are indications that Turkey’s economy is declining, with many countries cutting off trade ties. Saudi Arabia announced earlier…


Sudan and Israel friendship: Why a big ‘yes’ from Trump

Sudan is in the midst of political, economic and humanitarian turmoil, 18 months since the country’s non-violent protests overthrew long-term ruler Omar al-Bashir. The country…