Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) announces a plan to end the country’s political dilemma

Sudan–El Hadi Idris, a member of the Sovereignty Council and Chairman of the SRF, delivered the gathering, which also featured El Taher Hajar and Malik Agar, a full report. Mustafa Tambour, a member of the SRF’s Presidential Council, said in a press release distributed by the official Sudan News Agency (SUNA) that Idris gave a detailed evaluation of the recent political developments in Sudan and the initiative’s substance. He hailed the meeting as fruitful, with attendees expressing their support for the plan to settle the Sudanese situation.
In a press statement, Mohamed Zakaria, the official spokesperson for the Freedom and Change party, said, “We accept, in principle, any discussion proposal aimed at finding a consensual solution to the Sudanese problem.” He stated that they are willing to meet with all parties to discuss national problems and to meet with members of the SRF in the fight against the previous government.
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According to Zakaria, the initiative in question was developed by some SRF parties at their Ed Damazin meeting in March, and that, given the SRF’s multiplicity and division, the FFC calls for national consensus to prioritize and direct efforts to organize the SRF’s inner house and strengthen its unity as the starting point for the reform process.
He said that the FFC had launched an effort to resolve the political crisis, which he said had been presented to political and civic groups and gained widespread support at both the national and international levels. He advocated for combining all of these programs into a single national initiative that transcends partisanship in order to build a broad civilian bloc that supports the democratic transition.