Biden considering to tag Houthi rebels as an international terrorist organization


Yemen YemenThe aggression that Houthi rebels have been showing the Arab world, the United States might have finally decided to re-designating Yemen’s Houthi militia as an international terrorist organization.

On Wednesday, US president Joe Biden announced that there might be chances of the US inclining towards that decision. This is after the Iran backed rebel group carried attacks and threatened human lives.

Biden addressed the issues about growing attacks by the rebel group during a press conference which was called to mark his first full year in office. In thai two hour long press conference, he talked about US attempts at fight against Covid-19 while also touching on areas of foreign policy.

The democrat leader also talked about the threat of Russian steps towards Ukraine and chances of a possible invasion. It was Biden himself who has ordered delistment of the Houthis from the list of “foreign terrorist organization” after he took over the office in 2021.

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The US president is also currently in talks to bring Iran on terms with the nuclear deal by diplomatically putting forward America’s requirements in front of the Arab country.

While he was talking about the situation between Iran and the US, a reporter asked him if there are chances of enlisting Houthis as international terrorists, to which he said, “It’s under consideration.”

As of now, the United Nations is trying to intervene in the matter by promoting the peace process between the Arab countries especially with respect to Yemen. Biden’s Special Envoy to Yemen, Tim Lenderking, has been sent to the region so that the matter could be renegotiated under the terms suggested by the United Nations.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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