The European sovereigns exploit the risk of extremists among Afghani refugees

Europe’s sovereigns and moderate right-wingers know that, as with the Syrian crisis, fear of a massive influx of Afghan refugees can push them into the polls. And suppose the recipe of those already in government is to close the borders, as the Slovenian Janez Janša, the Greek Kyriakos Mitsotakis, and the Hungarian Viktor Orbán (“We send assistance there, instead of bringing problems here”) want to do. So, who is in the opposition puts pressure on the rulers?
In Spain, Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, fears the arrival of new jihadists and calls on Muslim countries to take charge of the refugees. The AFD is well aware that the Syrian crisis was decisive in launching over 10 percent in Germany. In Austria, FPÖ president Herbert Kickl urged not to be moved by the photos of children rescued by soldiers in Kabul. But in Vienna, the government already has its problems internally. The Greens are increasingly uncomfortable with the migration policies of popular premier Sebastian Kurz. But their former Viennese leader Birgit Hebein felt even more uneasy. For this very reason, she said goodbye to the party.
Among the 1,500 Afghans rescued by France with the evacuation operations, a 26-year-old, Nangialay S., close to the fundamentalist movement. He also worked weapons in hand at Kabul a checkpoint, such as he admitted. As a result, the authorities decided to put him under surveillance in a hotel in Noisy-le-Grand, on the outskirts of the capital, with the three family members and the friend with whom he arrived in France (one of the four then ended up in custody for leaving ” some minutes”). Making the situation more complicated is the fact that the Taliban, as government spokesman Gabriel Attal explained, “helped evacuate several Frenchmen and French collaborators from the Kabul embassy, all at a hectic time, probably saving lives. “
Investigations are ongoing. Someone even speculates on an agreement with Nangialay – exile in exchange for help at the checkpoint he controls – but the government assures that everything is under control: all Afghans brought to France have been subjected to verification at a base in the Middle East. However, the problem of the possible arrival of jihadists or common criminals is real and felt by the police all over Europe. For example, Denmark discovered that it had unknowingly brought back to Copenhagen the member of a gang who had been expelled in July and who he has taken possession of his brother’s identity to return.
However, the news of the Taliban in Paris is too good. The opposition did not miss the opportunity to attack President Emmanuel Macron, whom the left instead considers too right (“Emmanuel Le Pen” defined him by Edward Snowden). Two of the leading candidates of the moderate right, Xavier Bertrand and Valérie Pécresse, ask on Twitter for the “immediate expulsion” of the Taliban. Harsh tones, even more than those of Marine Le Pen, who argues that “the ‘duty’ of hospitality comes after the safety of the French.”
The Rassemblement National leadership, however, a few days ago, already launched a petition to say “no to a new migratory highway.” That means no to an asylum right that continues to be the Trojan horse of massive, an uncontrolled flux of Islamism, and in some cases, of terrorism, as it was with certain aggressors of the attacks of November 13, 2015.