Women Executed By Iranian Government For Standing Against Domestic Violence

Iran– Iran continues to work on the premise of moral policing. In a recently startling incident, three women were executed by the authorities. But as human rights groups have started digging into the incident, it has come to light that more than 20 women have already been executed in the past week.
In the attempt to backtrack on the progress that women have made in the past decade when it comes to freedom of speech and expression, Iran is continuing to drag the fairer sex back into obscurity. One of the women executed had decided to kill her husband after a prolonged abusive marriage and having married to him since she was 15 years of age.
The human rights groups say that Iran has stepped up the use of death penalty and has executed twice the number of people in 2022 compared to the number of people executed in 2021.
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The latest case of women being executed were all those who killed their husbands. It has also been noticed that Iran is one of the few countries across the world that executes women more.
Former child bride Soheila Abadi was hanged in prison recently, according to the Iran Human Rights Group. She was 25 years old at the time of her death and was married to her husband 10 years ago when she was 15 years old. Underage girl marriage is common in many parts of Middle East though some countries are far more liberal and respect equal rights for women.
Women have restored to taking things in their hands because the Iranian judicial system has no redressal for domestic violence. Two rights groups’ research accessed by a premier media agency has revealed that only 16.5% of executions believed to have been carried out in Iran were officially declared. The use of death penalty has spiked since 2021, according to reports.