World Worries As Houthis Try To Claim Over Yemeni Oil Rich Marib Province


The military assault by Houthis is Marib is attracting criticism world over. At a hearing held by the US Congress, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that such actions definitely had ‘tremendous humanitarian consequences.’ He has sought support from international fraternity to raise a voice against this kind of selfish power endeavor.

Houthis are supported by Iran that continues to fund and provide ammunition to this terrorist group that wants to claim full control over Yemen. In the last decade, Yemen has seen the worst humanitarian crises at hand.

Blinken further made a statement more publicly in Twitter after he had met with the US Envoy to Yemen Tim Lenderking. Mr. Blinken raised a pertinent question as to why the Houthis were seeking a military solution while everyone was aware of the humanitarian consequences that their assault in Marib would mean.

Mr. Lenderking was especially appointed by President Joe Biden in February, with a mission to “end the war in Yemen” and support the UN-led initiative to “impose a ceasefire, open humanitarian channels, and restore long-dormant peace talks.”

Just a few days back, Houthis have reportedly been moving into the oil rich Marib province. At least 65 fighters were reportedly killed during the past two days as Yemen’s Houthi rebels make gains in their advance. Yemen has been trying to get its economy up and running and can only bank on its last left reserves of oil in the Marib Province. With control over this area, Houthis will literally cripple the country and bring it to its knees.

Marib Province is the last on their radar of control, that remains as the last piece under the government control too. According to sources, with the Houthis taking control of the Kassara front, the battles have moved to the Al Mil area, which is a mere six kilometres (four miles) from the centre of Marib and its population centres. While the area before Marib does not have reachable terrain, the Houthis have been hell bent to move in.

They have already poured in hundreds of reinforcements in recent days to achieve the gains, resorting to motorbikes after the coalition targeted their military vehicles. Houthis also continue to spread false rumours of gaining control over strategic assets in Saudi Arabia, reports that have been refuted by the latter.

The Houthi movement, which holds most of north Yemen, has kept up cross-border attacks on Saudi Arabia and a ground offensive in Yemen’s Marib region at a time the United States and the United Nations are pushing for a ceasefire agreement.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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