Libya , Europe , Cronavirus
Middle East News World

What’s happening in Libya while Europe is busy with the coronavirus?

While Europe is engaged in the fight against coronavirus, fighting between the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar and armed groups

BCG, Australia, Nigel Curtis, Covid-19,
News World

Tuberculosis Vaccine Might Act As Defense Against Corona Virus Exposure

While a Corona Virus vaccine is on its way to being developed, it wouldn’t be available anytime before end of 2021. In order to control

Middle East News World

IRAN denies Trump’s accusations and warns him about security threats

Iran will react harshly if the United States does anything to undermine Iran’s security, Iranian chief of staff Mohammad Baqeri said on Thursday. “If the

Middle East News World

IRAN denies Trump’s accusations and warns him about security threats

Iran will react harshly if the United States does anything to undermine Iran’s security, Iranian chief of staff Mohammad Baqeri said on Thursday. “If the

Middle East News World

Trump : Iran is preparing to attack US

US President Donald Trump warned yesterday in a tweet , Iran against an attack on American soldiers in Iraq. “We don’t want hostilities, but if

Middle East News World

Linda Sarsour uses corona’s cause to raise donations for terror-linked organization

Linda Sarsour is exploiting the coronavirus pandemic outbreak as an opportunity to raise money for the American Islamic Relief Organization, which holds ties with several

Coronavirus, Covid-19, geopolitical order, Middle East,
News World

The changing geopolitical dynamics of the coronavirus crisis

The pandemic outbreak of coronavirus has not only changed the way laymen lead their life but also transformed global balance of power, moved economies to

afghanistan ,taliban ,USA ,greement
News World

Afghanistan: a new Delegation formed to negotiate with the Taliban.

The Afghan government announced the selection of a 21-member delegation to negotiate with the Taliban in a tentative indication of progress in the US broken

Iran , Covid-19 Cronavirus
Middle East News World

In Iran, methanol is widely consumed to protect against coronavirus. About 300 people died

In Iran, locals are massively taking industrial methanol because of rumors that it can protect against coronavirus.  According to the agency, local social network accounts

Iran ,USA , sanctions , Covid-19, Rouhani, Washington,Economy,
Middle East News World

Sanctions on Iran : Rouhani trys to coax Americans.

The successive crises in Iran, which were exacerbated after the deadly Corona Virus outbreak, prompted President Hassan Rouhani to turn to the American people in