Yemen claims that negotiations about a prisoner swap are still ongoing


Yemen YemenYemen’s government says discussions with Houthi rebels regarding the exchange of thousands of captives are still underway. The rebels said on Sunday that they had achieved an agreement with the government, in which 1,400 Houthi detainees will be exchanged for 804 from government troops and allies.

Despite this, Hadi Haig, the head of the government’s detainees committee, stated that no formal agreement has been reached and that the plan is still being considered. In a statement, Haig stated that once final clearance is received, the UN envoy to Yemen would be notified through formal letter. On Saturday, the rebels declared a three-day cease-fire and offered to free coalition inmates in exchange for Houthi prisoners. According to the rebel-controlled Saba news agency, the cease-fire began at 6 p.m. local time on Sunday.

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Abdulqader Al-Murtadha, the head of the Houthi detainees committee, had stated that the arrangement will see 1,400 Houthi prisoners exchanged for 804 from government troops and allies. Former Defense Minister Mahmoud Al-Subaihi and President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi’s brother, Nasser Mansur Hadi, are among the detainees set to be swapped. 16 Saudi inmates and three Sudanese will be included in the arrangement.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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