Netanyahu tells Joe Biden not to return to Iran nuclear deal


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sent a clear message to US President-elect Joe Biden on Sunday that he will not return to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which was abandoned by President Donald Trump. Netanyahu, who is also embroiled in a political storm in Israel, has openly opposed Joe Biden’s proposal that the Iran nuclear deal could be resumed if Iran comes up with a relaxed atmosphere. It soon becomes apparent that Joe Biden wants a different approach rather than Trump’s approach to Israel and Iran.

President-elect Joseph R. Biden has vowed to move quickly to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal while Iran returns to compliance and creates a stable environment. Iran’s nuclear deal was ousted two years ago by President Donald Trump and he devised a “maximum pressure” plan that would put Iran under greater economic and weaponry sanctions. But this time it looks like Joe Biden wants a different face.

Biden, who will take office on January 20th, said he would rejoin the deal if Tehran first resumed strict compliance, and would work with the other stakeholderss to “strengthen and expand”, effectively backing the deal and pushing for other stabilization activities in Iran. The agreement, reached with the world powers and Iran, he wanted to limit Tehran’s nuclear program to prevent Iran to make nuclear weapons, and it can be an opportunity for iranian leaders to mitigate the economic sanctions.

Read more : Does Joe Biden Put Further pressure on Iran if elected?

Concerns about Iran’s nuclear ambitions have long been challenged by the United States and major powers, with Israel playing a key role. Another major concern is what Israel sees Iran as a growing political and military influence in the Middle East, particularly in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Taking advantage of regional conflicts and political gaps, Iran is building on what Israel sees as its expanding power in the region.

“Don’t go back to the old nuclear deal. We have to adhere to a non-compromise policy to ensure that Iran does not develop nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said. Netanyahu also praised Israel for its stance and its strong opposition to Iran developing nuclear weapons. Israel has strongly opposed the 2015 Joint Plan between the world powers and Iran. Netanyahu said it was “unacceptable” for Iran to have nuclear power and that it would jeopardize Israel’s existence and security in the Middle East.

The International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran now weighs more than 2,440 kilograms, more than eight times the limit set by the 2015 nuclear deal with major powers. Meanwhile, the arms embargo on Iran ended last month and military and naval operations began.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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