Articles By This Author


Women at work revolution in Saudi Arabia by Mohammed bin Salman

Saudi arabia– Thousands of women go to work every day across Saudi Arabia – a phenomenon unimaginable only five years ago but have become common.


UAE General Naser Ahmed al Raisi new Interpol president despite the $ 4 million defamatory campaign

UAE– United Arab Emirates General Naser Ahmed al Raisi has been elected president of Interpol during the general assembly in Istanbul. Major General Ahmed Nasser


Car crash leaves five dead at Wisconsin parade

United States–Deadly horror at Wisconsin parade as an SUV crashes into the group killing five and injuring over 40 people. The incident took place late


France discusses a law to recognize the Harki tragedy

France– On Thursday, French MPs began discussions on a bill recognizing the “Harki tragedy” and asking forgiveness from those Algerians who fought alongside Paris against


Australian women invasively examined at Doha airport sued Qatar authorities

Qatar–The women were bought off a plane and examined whether they had given birth to a baby found in a bin at Hamad Airport in


Qatari dissatisfaction with Washington foreign policy, US official in Doha reveals

Qatar–After the recent developments in Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen, the rift between Qatar and the United States has become more evident. A US diplomatic source

Middle East

A new investigation reveals an arms smuggling between Iran, Yemen and Somalia

Iran–The latest research from the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, a Geneva-based think tank, has documented, in eight months of careful investigation, that over


Tensions rise in the East Mediterranean

Libya– The Libyan Presidential Council, led by Mohammed Younis Al-Menfi, decided to suspend the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Najla al-Mangoush, from her


A documentary reveals Qatar’s war of influence on Islam in Europe

Europe–The ART channel broadcasts a documentary film focusing on Qatar’s impact on Islam in Europe. Through a series of interviews and unpublished documents, the film

Middle East

Turkish mercenaries and armaments expose Libya to the risk of a massacre like Beirut

Afghanistan–“The Islamic Emirate orders all citizens, shopkeepers, merchants, businessmen, and the general public to conduct all transactions in Afghans and to refrain from using foreign