Articles By This Author


Maxi arms seizure in Israel

Israel–In what they called the “largest operation in the country’s history,” Israeli police arrested 78 of the most significant illegal arms traffickers operating in Israel

Erdogan sentences five journalists for naming intelligence agents in Libya

News Opinion Libya: Reservations from 4 countries on the Arab League resolution Middle East News Iran hardliner’s rapid rise a threat to nuclear diplomacy, Europe

Iraq’s hopes of reforms are derailed by series of attacks blamed at pro-Iranian groups

News Opinion Libya: Reservations from 4 countries on the Arab League resolution Middle East News Iran hardliner’s rapid rise a threat to nuclear diplomacy, Europe

Austria accuses Turkey of spying

Somalia–As earlier promised by the Somali leaders. The country will be holding elections towards the start of this year but despite the term ending, the


Process against Nobel Orhan Pamuk, how Erdogan ends democracy in Turkey

Turkey–The Turkish regime of Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan deals another blow to democracy and freedom of expression by imprisoning intellectuals and political opponents. The nightmare

Lebanon appoints Mustapha Adib as new Prime Minister, France President Macron calls for swift government formation in Lebanon

Turkey–The Turkish regime of Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan deals another blow to democracy and freedom of expression by imprisoning intellectuals and political opponents. The nightmare


Lebanon To Resolve Gulf Crisis as it Tries to ‘Patch up’ with Gulf Countries

Lebanon– After a major blow to Lebanon’s effort to increase its diplomatic partnership with other gulf nations, there are some improvements from both sides. This

Middle East

Iraq: Prime Minister Al-Kazimi survives a drone bombs attack

Iraq– Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazimi was unharmed after a “failed assassination attempt” Saturday night with a “drone bomb” targeted his residence in Baghdad’s Green

Beirut blast has shaken up people’s lives but hasn’t loosened the grip of Lebanon’s ruling class

Iraq– Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazimi was unharmed after a “failed assassination attempt” Saturday night with a “drone bomb” targeted his residence in Baghdad’s Green


Sudan Refuses To Bow Down To Military Takeover

Sudan– Another nation is crying out loud against forced dictatorial leadership at the hands of a military coup. Sudan is out on the roads, protesting