Articles By This Author

Middle East

World Bank alerts Yemen as famine-like conditions have rebounded in 3 governorates

Yemen– According to the World Bank, Yemen has been suffering the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. War, locust attack, famine, flash floods and then

Military rivalries haven’t take a back seat amidst corona pandemic, Iranian and Russian forces come close to US coast guard ships

Turkey– Nine months ago, it seemed that relations between Russia and Turkey had reached a roadblock and there is no way things could work out

Middle East

Voting for Legislative Elections began in Qatar

Qatar– Voting began today in Qatar for state’s first legislative elections for two-thirds of the advisory Shura Council. During the voting, a domestic debate was

Amnesty International exposes Qatar’s using corona crisis to expel non-infected migrant workforce

Qatar– Voting began today in Qatar for state’s first legislative elections for two-thirds of the advisory Shura Council. During the voting, a domestic debate was


Security Council Unsure On Overhaul In Libya; Extends UNSMIL Mandate Till 2022

Libya– The UN Security council has had to extend the Libyan mandate once again till January 2022. While the overhaul is receiving support from member

Political assassinations strike again in Tunisia

Libya– The UN Security council has had to extend the Libyan mandate once again till January 2022. While the overhaul is receiving support from member


Afghanistan women: A country but no sense of belonging

Afghanistan –Mid-August brought a dark cloud over people in Afghanistan, a shadow that will depart when no one knows. The biggest dread has been bought


Libya: Consultations between Parliament and the High Council to start today in Rabat

Libya– Negotiations between representatives of the Libyan High Council of State (HCS) and the Parliament, the Tobruk House of Representatives (HoR), began today, Thursday 30

Libya: a new wave of Syrian mercenaries sent by Turkey

Libya– Negotiations between representatives of the Libyan High Council of State (HCS) and the Parliament, the Tobruk House of Representatives (HoR), began today, Thursday 30


Presidents of Russia & Turkey on Rising Crime Rate in Syria

Syria–Presidents of Russia and Turkey met to discuss on the rising violence and crime rate in Syria. It is a disturbing factor since the lives