Articles By This Author

Middle East

Yemen On Its Way To Implement Riyadh Agreement

Yemen is now trying to establish a stable government that can get its economy back on track and do away with the Houthi control over

Does Iranian ‘Iron Dome’ speak Zulu ? Military expert Alexander Portnoy reveals

On Sunday, Microsoft revealed holding preliminary talks with Chinese company ByteDance in s. Portnoy reveals that two new homemade Very Short-Range Air Defense (VSHORAD) were

G20 Summit in Toronto, 26 June 2010

G20 Summit Discusses Possibility Of Debt Extension To World’s Poor Nations

Post corona virus recovery does not look promising, according to a G20 Summit hosted by the Saudi Arabia via video conferencing. Finance ministers and central bankers from across the globe are figuring out ways…..

Flag of qatar

Barclays Formal Top Boss Has Foot In His Mouth Over 2008 Qatar Deal Scam

The Barclay’s Bank is still trying to clear its name in the dubious fundraising deal it indulged in for Qatar in 2008….

Libya national flag
Middle East

Libya Finds The Will To Sell Oil Once Again

Strange movement seems to be happening in the war torn Libyan region where the National Oil Corporation (NOC) seems to have lifted the force majeure clause from its key oil facilities….

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

As cyber attack hits Iran, gas stations became non-operative

The use of children as soldiers has increased in the Corona Virus times. Statistics reveal that more than 20 countries worldwide have made use of

National Flag of Turkey
Middle East

Turkey Continues Misuse Of Syrian Youth To Meet Its Geopolitical Ambitions In Libya

Turkey has played its card well, even at the time of the Covid-19 crises where each nation is trying to save its lot. The mortality rate in Turkey has not been as poor as in Germany or Italy for that matter.

A flag of Iran in the wind

Parliament plans to summon President Rouhani over the economy and nuclear policy

Political groups in parliament move to summon President Hassan Rouhani as Iran suffers a political standoff. Iran confronted a big financial crisis….

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Middle East News

“It will be a big mistake if the U.S. tries to reimposes sanctions,” says, Iran’s UN envoy Majid Ravanchi

The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared that the United States is hopeful the whole world will comprehend the requirement to extend the UN arms ban on Iran….

A national volleyball player killing confirms the international community is at a crossroads in Afghanistan

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and in front of the November preside=””>Afghanistan, Mahjubin Hakimi, beheaded by the Taliban in Kabul. According to Indian