Biden announces 500 million vaccine donations worldwide


United States President Joe Biden has pledged a donation of 500 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer, to the unprivileged countries to ensure the pandemic’s end.

Hours after Biden’s announcement came the announcement from the Group of Seven nations, who are set to share at least 1 billion coronavirus jabs with the world. This was said by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday. About half of the vaccines are coming from the U.S. and nearly 100 million are to from the U.K. The G-7 also includes France, Canada, Germany, Italy and Japan.

Experts see these announcements as bolstering the strategic locale of the world’s wealthiest democracies. “We are going to lead the world out of this pandemic alongside our global partners,” said Biden.

He is keen to shine his multilateral credentials on his first foreign trip as a leader. He said the United States has recognised its responsibility to its own citizens and the world. He spoke alongside Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla at the English seaside resort of Carbis Bay.

“Our vaccine donations do not include pressure for favours or any sort of potential concessions. We’re only doing this to save lives and to end this pandemic once and for all,” he said. The US commitment is to donate 500 million Pfizer doses for distribution via the global COVAX alliance to a total of 92 lower-income countries and the African Union.

Biden has been subjected to mounting pressure to outline his vaccine sharing plan. The demand for more shots to be shared has increased since demand in the US has declined in recent weeks. As per the US officials, the goal is to distribute a total of 200 million doses by the end of the year. The remaining, about 300 million doses, would be donated in the first half of 2022.



Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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