Biden Calls Off Air Strike Over Iraq For Humanitarian Reasons

For the new President Joe Biden, life is so precious that he actually called off an air strike over Syria, to protect the lives of a woman and child that were caught in the aerial photo grab.
just seconds before the decision was to be put into action, he called off an air strike. The airstrike was to be done against a second target in Syria, in retaliation of a rocket attacks on US civilians in Iraq. According to the Pentagon, they seemed to have been put into action through the Iranian backed Shiite militia stationed in Iraq.
According to senior administration, the area where the strike was supposed to be carried out was posing to be a risk to civilian lives. It was literally out of the Hollywood movies where the leader of a free nation has given precedence to human life over everything else.
Earlier on in February, US lives of civilians and military personnel were lost in Iraq through rocket bombings. The target that was bombed last week in retaliation by U.S. warplanes was a logistics way station in eastern Syria that the Pentagon said was used by Iranian-backed militia. Since the US retaliation, its strategic station in Iraq has also come under bombing.
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Apparently, an Iraqi air base northwest of Baghdad that hosts U.S. troops has reportedly been under rocket attack since the morning of March 03. Iran backed militia continue to harass the fabric of Iraqi life. They have used Iraq as a storehouse for war arsenal and safekeeping for military weapons and at times, home to terrorist groups. The US military presence is the only thing that has kept a warlike situation at bay.
As of the current attack, the Pentagon is not yet ready to say definitively who launched rockets at the Ain al-Asad base northwest of Baghdad, but the attack resembled previous assaults carried out by Iraqi Shiite militia armed and supported by Iran, the three officials said.
The base was hit by 10 medium-range 122mm rockets, which were fired from a truck to the east, the officials said. The Feb. 15 attack at a U.S.-led coalition base in Irbil in northern Iraq featured shorter-range 107mm rockets.