Diplomatic relations between Egypt-Turkey to re-establish, Erdogan might have ulterior motive

A statement from the foreign minister of Turkey earlier hinted that soured ties between Turkey and Egypt might end and the two sides may move towards establishing diplomatic relations. Mevlut Cauvsiglu claimed that negotiations between the two countries have opened and they will soon establish normal relations.
Turkey has been isolated from the whole Arab world and now is seeking to get that power back. It wants to continue its influence on Arab world which was soured for years after the ulterior motives of the Erdogan government came into picture. These countries might have blocked Ankara but never openly announced disagreement while that is not the case with Egypt.
Egypt and Turkey have always stood opposite each other on a range of geopolitical issues. There have been attempts from the Turkish side to reestablish the toes and appear in front of Egypt with a solid negotiating power but the internal sources from te foreign ministry of Turkey signal otherwise.
If the internal reports are to be believed, then all the claims made by Turkish government are false and in fact, they are just a way to instigate other Arab countries into believing that Cairo is considering a diplomatic resolve. Cairo on the other hand has no intentions of starting any ties and still stands by their call of not having any relations with Turkey .
Read more : Diplomatic relations between Egypt-Turkey to re-establish, Erdogan might have ulterior motive
Turkish foreign minister saying that the officials on both the ends are communicating on the highest levels shows the desperation from Ankara’s end to again be a part of the Arab world. This has been well established by many of the media houses from the region.So whatever Turkey may try, it is not possible for it to spread this propaganda.
Cavusoglu talked to the local media agencies of Turkey where he said that despite negotiations between the two countries, there is a ‘lack of trust’ between them and added that it is only normal to have that. He also made it clear that Erdogan wants to reestablish its toes with Cairo and make an overlooking ground for the two. However, exports believe that it is due to lack of his presence in Arab world and he is well aware that by communicating again with Egypt will promote Erdogan’s position in the Arab world.
The two powers have not seen eye to eye since 2013 when Erdogan gave a public statement criticizing the military group in Cairo which ousted the former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. The new leader Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who is current president of Egypt was being backed by Saudi Arabia, who does not have good ties with the Erdogan administration. In no time, the toes further worsened and the two countries withdrew their respective ambassadors and started taking completely opposite stances on world issues.