Ilhan Omar’s PoK visit reflects her support to Islamist activities in Pakistan


Pakistan PakistanUS Congress member Ilhan Omar, recently visited Pakistan and held a meeting with ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan. Significantly, a US government official termed Omar’s visit to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir or PoK “unofficial and personal”. The controversial Somali-American politician is a member of US president Joe Biden’s democratic party. Reports have pointed toward Omar’s secret connections with Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami among other terrorist groups in various regions, including Pakistan.

The US politician has been working under the payroll of the Islamist party for several years now. Omar also has close and public ties with several groups fostering terror financing and promoting Islamist view of Kashmir. The US Congresswoman has also faced numerous accusations of spreading anti-semitism in the country by both democrat and republican leaders.

Qatar-Turkey-Pakistan nexus

Islamists in Pakistan, with alleged support from Ilhan Omar, have been running anti-India activities, with the help of Turkey and Qatar. As per reports, Islamists in Pakistan have been using their contacts in Qatar and Turkey for funds to support their anti-India stand on the Kashmir matter.

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The Qatar-Turkey-Pakistan nexus joined hands with Muslim Brotherhood to foster radical Islamists in India as well as countries in the Middle East region. It is important to note that India and Turkey have been experiencing tense relations due to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s persective on the Kashmir matter at the UN and support to Imran Khan’s anti-India propaganda.

Terrorism in Pakistan

Under the Prime Ministership of Imran Khan, Pakistan has been habouring militant groups and increasing military violence in the country. Khan’s Islamism has resulted in the proliferation of militant groups, allowing them to partner to spread their agenda. Khan continued to witness the Pakistani Taliban expand its attacks and offensive on various regional targets. Pakistan has remained on the grey list of the international Financial Action Task Force (FATF) for failure to curb terrorism financing and Khan did little to change the country’s status.

India condemns Omar’s PoK visit

Meanwhile, India condemned Omar’s PoK visit as a violation to the “territorial integrity and sovereignty” of the country. “We have noted that US Representative Ilhan Omar has visited a part of the Indian Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir that is currently illegally occupied by Pakistan. If such a politician wishes to practice her narrow-minded politics at home, that may be her business. But violating our territorial integrity and sovereignty in its pursuit makes it ours. This visit is condemnable,” said Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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