Iran remains unsatisfied with the Nuclear Talks documented set-up


Iran IranThe latest development between Iran-United States regarding nuclear talks is again taking back all the progress that has been made during the Vienna talks by the two countries.

On Monday, Iranian officials noted efforts to establish the crucial 2015 nuclear deal again after former US president Donald Trump backed out from the deal in 2018. The efforts that the two sides are making can only be successful when they keep their political differences aside and move towards a common agreement.

But as per Tehran, the deal is not beginning to progress further even after months of negotiation as key issues are not being dealt with, especially those which concern Iran’s nuclear activities. The stakes are extremely high ahead of any confirmation as nearly 10 months of discussions and times were invested on it. If the two countries do not agree on the deal, it might result in fresh regional conflict and increased cases of violence from Iran’s side.

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Iran has been inflicting dominance over the region with extreme measures and hence the US was willing to make efforts and even the international bodies were attempting to resolve the matter. Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh on the matter said that there is scope of reaching a ‘good deal’. He added that the set back is that the western powers have failed to take any crucial unbiased political decisions.

“They now insist on removal of sanctions on the IRGC and want to open issues that had already been agreed,” said a close source on the matter. One of the downsides in the matter is Iran’s reluctance to compromise after Bagheri’s trip to Tehran.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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