Its Not Over Between Palestinians And Israelis At West Bank

Israel– Palestinians and Israeli were into a severe encounter on the West Bank where hundreds of the Palestinians threw rocks and burnt tires at the spot to gain attention. There has been tension on the outpost of the West Bank off late and thus a spike in violence elsewhere in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.
Military was met with local fire and stone attack. They then had to use arsenal and tear gas to disperse the mobs and crowd. The military also said shots were fired from a passing vehicle toward a military post near the West Bank city of Nablus, which is south of Homesh. It was not clear if the shooting was related to the clashes.
Palestinians were young and were hurt through rubber bullets. Homesh was the epicenter of the attack which has become an illegal settlement for Israelis. Homesh, in the northern West Bank, was dismantled as part of Israel’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005. But in recent years, it has seen many illegal settlers.
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Clashes between the Palestinians and Israelis has been on the rise. Last week, at least one Palestinian gunman opened fire on a car filled with Jewish seminary students next to the outpost. Yehuda Dimentman, 25, was killed and two others were wounded near Homesh, which is considered illegal by the Israeli government.
On Thursday, thousands of Jewish nationalists marched to Homesh to mark the end of the mourning period for Dimentman and on Friday, Israeli forces dismantled structures that settlers had erected at the outpost. According to Israeli media reports, Jewish settlers were expected to march again to the outpost on Saturday night, drawing calls on Palestinian social media for nearby villagers to be on alert.