Morocco Mending Ties With Mali and Niger amid Tensions with Algeria

maroccan flag

With Algeria continuing to challenge Morocco’s territorial integrity, Rabat is trying to mend diplomatic ties with Mali and Niger. The Sahel region is strategic and Morocco is working on enhancing cooperation here with Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Niger.

The Kingdom has offered to make its road, port and rail infrastructures available to the Sahel countries. King Mohammed VI said last month that the success of such an initiative hinges on upgrading infrastructure in the Sahel countries and seeking to connect it to transport and communication networks existing in the region.

With France leaving the Sahel region, the last French troops withdrawing from Niger, Morocco is exploring its role. Reports say that France and Algeria lost their influence with the authorities who took over Bamoko in the August 2020 coup. The two countries had excluded Morocco in 2014 from the reconciliation process in Mali. France had supported the initiative brought in by Algeria.

Algeria and Morocco Rivalry

Relation between the two countries has deteriorated significantly and is marked by high tensions, with heart of the problem being Western Sahara. Rabat recognizes this area as its own with the backing of western countries, while Algiers supports the Polisario Front.

Another blow dealt by Algeria to Morocco was halting contract for the Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline, which was used to supply Algerian natural gas to Spain through Morocco. This pipeline provided the kingdom with 65 percent of its natural gas consumption. The non-renewal of the contract had Rabat looking for other energy import system.

To normalize relations, King Mohammad VI has been extending an olive brand to Algeria. He called on the Algerian government to engage in political dialogue with Morocco to end the diplomatic crisis between the two countries. King Mohammad said Morocco attaches special importance to the bonds of affection, friendship, exchange, and interaction between Moroccans and Algerians.

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Morocco Leads Arab Maghreb

Rabat wants to make Arab Maghreb (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Mauritania and Western Sahara) into a bloc to be reckoned with. But Morocco – Algeria rivalries, distrust among policy makers in both countries and their geopolitical competition for hegemony in northwestern Africa and influence in the neighboring Sahel region makes it challenging.

According to ISPI, the Maghreb region has historically faced multiple challenges and obstacles to achieving effective regional integration and cooperation. It will be a major task for Morocco to overcome.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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