MoU signed between Kuwait & India on recruitment of domestic workers

The flat belonging to the terrorist Khairi Saadallah

The arrest of KhairySaadhallah, a Libyan asylum seeker 25-years-old, in connection with the triple murder in Reading will again cast a spotlight on Britain’s complex relationship with Islamist militants.The British newspaper “The Times” published today a warning report on British containment of Libyan Islamists, which poses a threat to the security of the UK and entire Europe.

The British security authorities have veered between allowing hardliners to shelter in the UK, when Colonel Gaddafi was persecuting opposition groups, to brutal clampdowns as Tony Blair’s government negotiated with the dictator during the so-called war on terror.

Salman Abedi is the one who, on the evening of 22 May 2017, hid a homemade bomb in front of the ticket office of the Manchester Arena, hosting the Ariana Grande concert. The explosion killed 22 people, including seven children. A year and two months after the massacre, we discovered that Salman Abedi himself had been saved in Tripoli by the Royal Navy.Yes, that’s right, in 2014, the attacker and his brother Hashem were rescued from the unrest in the capital Tripoli, by the HMS Enterprise, together with a hundred British citizens. Salman, who was only 19 years old at the time, was brought along with everyone else to the UK, via Malta.

Salman’s father,Ramadan Abedi, 52, was born in Libya on December 24, 1965, he was an internal services agent under Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, until in 1992 he was accused of flirting with the Muslim Brotherhood and other extremist strands, taking refuge in England. According to intelligence sources of the former Jamahiriya, Abedi had for years joined the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, which aimed to overthrow the Rays to establish an Islamic government based on Sharia law.

Abedi father was arrested in Libya with his youngest son, Hashem Abedi, in the wake of the 2017 bombing. While Hashem was successfully extradited to Britain for trial, the father of the bomber was released by the Special Deterrence Force, an Islamist militia affiliated to the Minister of Interior of the Tripoli government. Hashem, 22, was found guilty for helping his older brother, Salman, to kill 22 people and injure hundreds of others.According to the Daily Mail, Ramadan Abedi, is now receiving medical treatment in Turkey, paid by the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA).

During a recent interview, conducted by the Middle East Eye, the British Foreign Minister for the Middle East, Alister James, revealed that “during the Libyan conflict in 2011, the British government was in communication with a wide range of Libyans involved in the conflict against the forces of Gaddafi. This was likely to include former members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and the Martyrs Brigade on February 17.”The MP also explained the existence of a link between some of these subjects and Salmanditions to the workers so that their physical and mental health is not hampered.

There are over 10 lakh Indians residing in the Gulf nation. Officials from both the countries had in-depth discussions on food security, issues related to the Indian workforce in Kuwait, cybersecurity, and cooperation in the energy sector as well.

Earlier in July, the MoU was signed and it established a 24-hour assistance mechanism for domestic workers. A joint committee for assessment and periodic review on this arrangement was set up too.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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