Middle East

For the First Time, an S-300 surface-to-air missile was fired at Israeli jets over Syria

Syria-–In recent days, an S-300 battery in Syria is said to have fired at least one surface-to-air missile at Israeli Air Force F-16 fighter planes.…

Middle East

European countries urge Israel to cease settlement construction

Israel–Fifteen European countries urged Israel on Friday to abandon plans for tens of thousands more settlement houses in the West Bank, warning that they would…


Anzac Day 2022: What Is Anzac Day & Why Is It Important?

Australia–Memorial and dawn services will be held across the country on Anzac Day this year, bringing communities together once more. Whether you’ve just arrived in…


Libya: Dbeibah meets with envoys to discuss current political events

Libya– Libya’s interim Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah met with foreign mission chiefs in Tripoli on Tuesday to discuss the political situation following the selection…


Russia Approaches Syria For Manpower To Fight Ukraine

Syria–While Indians who didn’t get a chance to show their patriotism in the Indian Army are moving to Ukraine to fight the war, Russia is…


Tensions rise in the East Mediterranean

Libya– The Libyan Presidential Council, led by Mohammed Younis Al-Menfi, decided to suspend the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Najla al-Mangoush, from her…


How the bilateral between Biden and Erdogan at the G20 went?

Turkey– “Maximum commitment to avoid future mutual crises and maintain constructive relations.” That is what the American President Joe Biden and the Turkish counterpart Recep…

Between 3,500 and 3,800 paid Syrian fighters transferred by Erdogan into Libya now threaten Europe

The U.S. Defense Department’s inspector general confirmed for the first time thatTurkey sent between 3,500 and 3,800 paid Syrian fighters to Libya over the first…

Turkey prevents EU arms embargo check on vessel near Libya

A Turkish warship prevented the EU’s new naval mission IRINI, enforcing the UN arms embargo on Libya, from checking a suspect freighter….

Jihadi rapper: One of the most wanted terrorists arrested in Spain

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