Parliament plans to summon President Rouhani over the economy and nuclear policy

A flag of Iran in the wind

Political groups in parliament move to summon President Hassan Rouhani as Iran suffers a political standoff. Iran confronted a big financial crisis with the rial hitting the lowest against the US dollar, with the US sanctions and the ascent in deaths due to coronavirus pandemic.

Many hardliners are trying to ask questions to Rouhani in a move that could result in his impeachment. Also, hoping to oust him a year before his term ends.120 lawmakers endorsed the movement, and they have handed it over to the parliament’s managing board, Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agency reported.

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As per Tasnim, legislators additionally intended to get some information about “the administration’s vital failures that permitted the US withdrawal from the deal at the most minimal amount”. 

Experts state the hardline Ali Khamenei might be glad to have a debilitated Rouhani, yet he wouldn’t like to hurt the authenticity of the nation by compelling the president out of the office.

Iran’s members of Parliament declared at the end of May that they are setting up a movement to address Rouhani if he didn’t present policies to settle the economic crisis endured by the nation and the effect of the US sanctions. 

Parliament has no significant impact on international affairs or atomic policy, which are placed by Khamenei. However, it may reinforce hardliners in the 2021 political decision for the president and strengthen the anti-Western tilt of Tehran’s international plans.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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