Pentagon employee faces life sentence for US treason and giving top-secret information to Hezbollah

The transfer of secret information to a Lebanese citizen and a Hezbollah supporter is charged with a Pentagon employee by the US Department of Justice.

The transfer of secret information to a Lebanese citizen and a Hezbollah supporter is charged with a Pentagon employee by the US Department of Justice.

 A ministry statement said the 61-year-old linguist, Mariam Taha Thompson, systematically transmitted information about American agents to a Lebanese citizen who was associated with the Hezbollah movement.  According to the prosecution, she also transmitted “confidential information related to national defense” to the Lebanese side.

It is alleged that the FBI has convincing evidence against Thomson, who was detained on February 27 at a foreign military base in the United States.  According to Assistant Secretary of Justice John Demers, the defendant’s behavior is “shameful,” if that version is true.

 The former Pentagon linguist will appear in court on the day the statement is published.  The prosecution is expected to demand a life sentence for her.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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