Premium residency holders in Saudi to use Najiz portal


Saudi arabia Saudi arabiaAccording to the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Justice, those with premium residence status in the Kingdom can now access judicial e-services via the Najiz portal.

The ministry tweeted, “Premium residency holders in Saudi Arabia can use a number of court services digitally through the Najiz portal. The ministry continued, “According to the Law of Premium Residency, the services include notarizing real estate ownership and utilizing real estate in Makkah and Madinah.”

The services are categorized into multiple areas, including judicial, enforcement, real estate, declarations and powers of attorney, social matters, and licensing, and are accessible through the page or the Najiz app for a variety of smart devices.

“This decision by the Ministry of Justice is a welcome move since it will make it simpler for premium residency holders to conduct notarization services remotely of residential property ownership as well as the utilization of real estate in Makkah and Madinah,” said Dr. Osama Ghanem Al-Obaidy, advisor and professor of law at the Institute of Public Administration in Riyadh.

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According to him, this would be done in conjunction with the Premium Residency Center and is “part of the Saudi Vision 2030, aimed at offering incentives to foreign investors, entrepreneurs, and professionals in many industries to dwell permanently in the Kingdom and be a part of its rapid development.

“In addition to helping the national economy through collected fees, it will aid in the fight against commercial concealment, money laundering, and illegal money transfers overseas. It will enable cardholders to make investments within the Kingdom, boosting both their own and the Saudi economy. Additionally, it will boost and improve the investment climate, which will support the national economy and promote and strengthen competitiveness in the Saudi business environment and economy.”

The Premium Residency Center offers premium residency on a yearly and permanent basis. In addition to being exempt from expat and dependent fees, being able to conduct business under the Foreign Investment Law, owning real estate, and owning more than two cars are only a few advantages that the holders enjoy.

The Privileged Residency Permit Law was authorized by the Saudi Council of Ministers, which is led by King Salman, and was then put into effect by royal decree in 2019. The main benefit of premium residence is the lack of need for a Saudi sponsor or employer.



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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