Princess Reema calls Biden’s visit ‘pivotal’ for global stability

Princess Reema

Saudi arabia Saudi arabiaUS President Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia is ‘pivitol’ to develop Saudi Arabia’s partnership and ensure mutual and world peace and prosperity, Washington’s ambassador to the Kingdom said. 

“It’s been almost 80 years since King Abdul Aziz, the founder of my country, met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt to lay the foundation for the post-war Middle East,” Princess Remabinto Bandar said. declared in an opinion piece on Thursday published by Politico.

Since that day, the two countries have worked together to defeat Soviet Communism, guarantee global energy security, contain revolutionary Iran, repel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, and more recently, destroy Alcaida and Dash.” She wrote: Princess Reamer added that the United Kingdom and the United States need to do more as partners “in these very dangerous times.” 

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As my country develops, so does the partnership between the United States and Saudi Arabia. That is why President Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia is so important. In order for our relationship to bring peace and prosperity to our people and the world as a whole, we must redefine the outline of the next 80 years of this important alliance. 

The days when US-Saudi relations were defined by the outdated and reductionist “oil for security” paradigm are gone. “The world is changing, and the real threats we all face, such as food and energy security and climate change, cannot be resolved without an effective US-Saudi Arabia alliance,” she said. Princess 

Reamer stated that the Kingdom is no longer the world leader in energy, but also the world leader in sustainable development.  “Through hundreds of billions of dollars of investment in education, technology, economic diversification, and green energy, we have launched a transformation agenda that is unlocking the enormous potential of our young men and women.” 

She said that Saudi women enjoy legal guarantees of equal pay and nondiscrimination in the workplace, and “some Western countries have not taken such steps.”

“Today, Saudi women outnumber men in our institutes of higher education, and women represent the same proportion of entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia as they do in the United States.” 

She said they are entering sectors such as construction, mining, and the military and are creating companies, becoming CEOs, and assuming top government posts, “empowered by a government determined to see us succeed.” 

She recalled her appointment as the first Saudi woman to an ambassadorial post and noted that what is happening for women in the Kingdom is a “success story we hope others will emulate.” 

Princess Reema said the Kingdom was promoting tolerance and interfaith dialogue to achieve greater regional stability.  “Saudi Arabia is indeed reconceiving how we express ourselves and engage with the world as a society and a culture.” 

She also said that, if managed responsibly, Saudi Arabia and the US “can lead a global transition to renewables while catapulting the Middle East into a new hub for global supply chains.”



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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