Middle East Trip For Biden Might Be Changing Focus

United States– The Middle East trip by Joe Biden might just not be about understanding the power dynamics. It is obviously a lot about the mayhem back at home as well. US is reeling under severe fuel shortage with prices going up the roof, the worst ever seen in 40 years.
Now the trip is the focus point. It was finally decided in June, after months of deliberations and Joe Biden’s first visit since he became President of United States last year.
There is already rumour about the actually focus of the trip to be changing- from just understanding the importance of the Middle Eastern countries, especially Saudi Arabia to convincing for fuel supplies to be increased.
White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan has shared with the media said President Biden will make the case for increasing oil output as “we do believe there is a capacity for further steps that could be taken”.
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As Russia’s onslaught on Ukraine continues to grow, the world’s commodity and energy market is also on a loose footing. Prices everywhere have become unstable. It is therefore no surprise that Mr. Biden and his European allies have had to repeatedly urge the OPEC+ oil producers to increase output in a bid to rein in high oil prices that are feeding into rising inflation.
The trip is now being seen as America’s way of begging with folded hands and negotiate some production to be increased. The reason the OPEC+ oil producers are not heeding to the repeated requests is because there isn’t too much to spare leave alone look after their own.
They don’t have much to spare it seems. The situation had started growing worse in the middle of the pandemic itself. Global oil supply will also “struggle” to keep pace with surging demand next year, according to a June 15 report by the International Energy Agency.