Sisi: Impose on Egypt human rights valid in other countries is dictatorial


Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the Egyptian president, declared that wanting to impose on Egypt protection of human rights, considered valid in other countries, speeding up the pace concerning the needs of economic and social development, is a “dictatorial approach.” Al-Sisi made the statement speaking at the ceremony to launch Egypt’s first “National Strategy for Human Rights,” held in the new administrative capital rising east of Cairo. Many foreigners, including many ambassadors, attended the event.

Al Sisi argued: “Everyone believes they are better than others in terms of intellectual or cultural abilities and wants to impose it on other societies.” Speaking to “those who think so,” the Egyptian president said: “Please bear in mind that thce,
and dedication to pursuing our goals.

Angu Tamba

Angu Tamba

Publisher Naseem Al Morad

Naseem Al Morad

Author Nayah Tantoh

Nayah Tantoh

Senior Reporter Georges Embolo

Georges Embolo


The “Egyptian vision for human rights,” to be implemented in the five years 2021-2026, “is based on fundamental pillars” including “the close link between democracy and human rights” and the “balance” between “individual rights” and social rights; among others, “health services” are “a right,” al Sisi said. “This is the first National Strategy produced by an autonomous Egyptian philosophy based on society,” the president stressed.

Al Sisi also argued that: “The Egyptian state affirms its commitment to promote and protect the right to physical integrity, personal freedom, exercise of political rights, freedom of expression.” He then admitted that the launch of the National Strategy “is nothing more than an initial step of thousands of steps towards a modern democratic state that respects and promotes the human rights of its people.”

In presenting the National Strategy, the Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations in Geneva, Ahmed Gamal el-Din, listed as human rights to be protected to health, education, work, social security, food, drinking water, home, cultural and religious identities. Women, children, the disabled, and the elderly will be particular targets of protection. In a video message, the rotating president of the UN Human Rights Council, Nashat Shameem Khan, congratulated Egypt for the Strategy’s launch, describing it as a crucial step towards promoting and defending human rights in the country.



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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