Flags of state Russia Turkey
News Politics

A clear Russian warning to Turkish interference in Libya

Fathi Pashagha, the Minister of Interior of the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA), has been the first to indicate that eight Russian fighters…..

Rached Ghannouchi Speaker of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People
News Politics

Tunisian political parties condemn the phone call from the President of Parliament to Serraj

A group of Tunisian political parties issued a joint statement to express their firm condemnation of the call, from the President of Ennadha and head of the Tunisian Parliament, Rashid Ghannouchi,…..

The Head of UN flag
News Opinion

Thousands of Tunisians March and Object to President Saied’s ‘Power Grab

The Head of UN Support Mission in Libya, Stephanie Williams, condemned on Tuesday the airstrikes conducted by Turkish drones in Western cities of Libya in

Man in mask with gun
Middle East News

Libya: New failed attack by GNA and Turkey against Al-Watiya airbase

In Libya, violent fighting unceasing continues after the Tripoli-based government, supported by Turkey and Qatar, recently refused the request for a truce from the international

Turkey prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
News Politics

Afghanistan, The Taliban looking for allies: deal with Iran and handshake with the UK

The Libyan National Army (LNA) media office released on Friday a new video shot by a Syrian mercenary during military operations alongside armed groups affiliated

General Khalifa Haftar
Middle East News

Libyan Army’s Commander in chief Khalifa Haftar announces that he will take charge of Libya’s affairs

In a televised speech on Monday evening General Khalifa Haftar, the commander-in-chief of the Libyan National Army (LNA), said that the Political Agreement which in

Libya national flag
Middle East Opinion

Libya’s highest religious leader urged followers to carry out suicide bombing operations

Libya’s highest religious leader in Tripoli, the Grand mufti Sheikh Sadik Al-Ghariani,urged followers and Libyan youth,among the forces aligned with the Government of National Accord

Covid-19 , Libya . Militias ,
Middle East News World

Crimes of militias in the ‘liberation’ of western Libya

The fratricide among the Libyans continues. While the international press is busy with the last developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, the official version of Prime

The Libyan newspaper “Al-Adwan” reported that what some media reports mentioned in this regard is a slander.
Middle East News

Field Marshal Haftar’s forces claim the killing of 16 Turkish soldiers in Libya

On Sunday, Forces loyal to Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, killed 16 Turkish soldiers as of late, a day following Turkey recognized it had lost “a