
UN urges world powers to ban adopt global treating banning use of nuclear weapons

On Friday, the global treating proposing ban on nuclear weapons, Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), came into force. The UN-backed treaty has


Turkey risks exiting NATO, that’s what the allies are afraid of

The outgoing American vice president, Mike Pence, had already warned Turkey last April that if the country proceeded with the purchase of the Russian S-400

Middle East

Turkey, Greece to hold new round of maritime talks on Jan 25

Turkey and Greece are all set to resume their exploratory talks on January 25 in Istanbul with the aim of reducing their territorial tensions. This


Pompeo cancels Europe Trip in the zero hours as EU leaders decline to meet him

Top EU authorities are declining to meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, as per Reuters, prompting the cancelation of his scheduled diplomatic trip

Middle East

Turkey says will not revert from the purchase of the Russian S-400s missile despite US sanctions

On Thursday, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated Turkey won’t revert from its purchase of the Russian S-400s missile defense system and will take reciprocal measures


Fresh sanctions from US and EU leave Turkey in a tight spot

Reuters reported on Friday that US administration was likely to impose fresh sanctions on Turkey for purchase of Russian S-400 air defense systems last year.


Erdogan will focus on reforming the Domestic Policy after Biden’s election

Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has long ruled Turkey.For some time, it has emerged that Erdogan’s dictatorship and political intransigence have led to


Turkey’s crackdown on free speech is frightening with the highest number of journalist imprisoned in the world

Turkey’s increasing disregard for human rights issues including freedom of press defines the increasingly authoritarian era of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. International Press Institute


France is pushing for sanctions against Turkey over the deteriorating situation in the Mediterranean

France is leading the push for EU sanctions on Turkey next month, a threat from the union in October, but has yet to receive support


Pompeo visits Qatar to meet Taliban and Afghan negotiators to push peace talks

On Saturday, the outgoing US Secretary of State is scheduled to visit Qatar, in order to meet negotiators of both the Afghan government and Taliban,