UK foreign minister visits Saudi Arabia and Oman

British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab will meet with leaders of Saudi Arabia and Oman during his first official visit to the Gulf region, the press service of the Government of the United Kingdom reports on March 2

British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab will meet with leaders of Saudi Arabia and Oman during his first official visit to the Gulf region, the press service of the Government of the United Kingdom reports on March 2.

  According to the press service, London seeks to strengthen relations with Saudi Arabia and Oman.  As Raab noted, he hopes to discuss trade, security in the region, climate change and respect for human rights.

  During the meeting with the foreign ministers of the two countries, one of the main topics will be the upcoming UN Climate Conference, which will be held in the United Kingdom, as well as the G20 Summit, organized by Saudi Arabia.

  According to Raab, “The Persian Gulf is a region with great opportunities.  Both Oman and Saudi Arabia are striving to develop those areas – health care, education and culture – in which the UK has a leading position worldwide.  ”

  In addition, the British Foreign Secretary is about to give new impetus to diplomatic efforts to end the war in Yemen, which has been going on for five years.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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