UN Draws Attention Of Donors To Urgency Of Funds To Help Afghans Mitigate The Winter

UN warns 6 million Afghans

Afghanistan AfghanistanIt is not just Ukraine that is now going to be facing a tough financial year, or Syria and Yemen. But in fact, Afghanis are going to be facing a severe famine like condition. Martin Griffiths, the United Nations humanitarian chief has warned about some six million Afghans running the risk of facing a severe famine condition.

At the moment, the population of some 24 million people are in desperate need of assistance and a close to 19 million of them are already facing acute levels of food shortages.

The cry is therefore towards donors to continue to give their support to funding the country, that has been under the control of Taliban that has not been able to do any justice to the economic growth of the country. There is an urgent need to provide for some $770 million to help Afghans to get through the winter as the United States argued with Russia and China over who should pay.

United Nation funds are supported by many countries. The larger donors are United States, Russia, China apart from many European countries. But Russia and China have been against the funding and vetoed the plan many times.

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In a recent meeting of the UN Security Council, Martin Griffiths told everyone that Afghanistan faces multiple crises — humanitarian, economic, climate, hunger and financial. This is getting as bad as Syria and Yemen that have been reeling under aftermaths of civil war.

The immediate urgency is that of $614 million to mitigate the winter, while the UN has been managing through the previous funds they had in place. The humanitarian agencies have had a tough time trying to compensate the needs of Ukrainians, Syrian and Sudanese refugees as well.

Griffiths stressed, however, that “humanitarian aid will never be able to replace the provision of system-wide services to 40 million people across the country.” The Taliban “have no budget to invest in their own future,” he said, and “it’s clear that some development support needs to be started.”

With more than 70 percent of Afghan’s living in rural areas, Griffiths warned that if agriculture and livestock production aren’t protected “millions of lives and livelihoods will be risked, and the country’s capacity to produce food imperiled.”



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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