Roza Otunbayeva Is UN Appointment For Humanitarian And Developmental Aid In Afghanistan


Afghanistan AfghanistanAfghanistan is getting a new lease of life again, as the United Nations appoints Roza Otunbayeva, the former president of Kyrgyzstan as the new envoy to the country which has not seen proper governance, ever since Taliban took over.

Ms. Otunbayva will take over from Deborah Lyons of Canada and would be heading Unama, or the UN political mission to Afghanistan. Her appointment comes at time, when the economic and humanitarian crisis continues to deepen in Afghanistan.

She has to her credit of having more than 35 years of professional experience in leadership, diplomacy, civic engagement, and international co-operation. Her experience of diplomatic handling and governance goes back to her days of having served as president in 2010-2011 for Kyrgyzstan, and also as a foreign minister on three occasions along with also being a deputy prime minister. She was also Kyrgyzstan’s ambassador to the United States and Britain.

Her appointment in Afghanistan would be in the capacity of being in-charge of UN’s humanitarian operations and dealings with the crisis-stricken country’s Taliban rulers.

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Ms. Otunbayeva is a member of the UN’s high-level advisory board on mediation and head of the Roza Otunbayeva Initiative Foundation in Kyrgyzstan too. She is going to have her hands full as UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths informs the Security Council how Afghanistan is facing deepening poverty, with 6 million people suffering severe food shortages stemming from humanitarian, economic, climate and financial crises.

Conflict, poverty, climate shocks and food insecurity “have long been a sad reality” in Afghanistan, Mr Griffiths said. What makes the current situation “so critical” is the halt to large-scale development aid since the Taliban takeover a year ago, he said.

More than half the Afghan population — some 24 million people — need assistance and close to 19 million are facing acute levels of food insecurity, he said.

There are worries that those figures will soon worsen as winter weather sends already high fuel and food prices skyrocketing, he said.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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